Purchase Committee

Convenor: Dr. Sini. H.

The purchase committee comprises a group of designated staff primarily dealing with acquiring necessary goods and services and maintaining integrity in the procurement process.
Structure of Purchase Committee
1. Principal
2. Purchase Committee convenor
3. Librarian
4. Accountant of the college
5. Clerical staff
6. Head of all Departments
To ensure a transparent, proportional, accountable, and fair purchase and procurement process.
To collect and compile the list of equipment, computers, consumables, and any other miscellaneous items required throughout the year by the office and the teaching departments.
To discuss, prioritize, and approve the relevant proposals, providing the necessary infrastructure for the college to function efficiently.
To ensure standard purchase procedures are followed in all kinds of purchases and to procure quality materials.
To ensure that the supplies/services quoted strictly adhere to what was requested.
To maintain stock registers for different items.