Vision & Mission


To be a nationally acclaimed institution of excellence in higher education, inculcating value-based quality education for upholding human nobility and the rich cultural heritage through various curricular, co-curricular, extra-curricular and extension activities devoted to the society.



  • To enhance access and inclusivity in quality education for students from all strata of society and moulding them into socially responsible, morally conscientious and ethically principled citizens.
  • To develop scientific temper, critical and creative thinking and spirit of inquiry through diverse teaching-learning practices.
  • To empower women and enabling them to confront the challenges of the globalised world with determination and confidence.
  • To provide a context of learning that nurtures intellectual power and enhances attributes like professionalism, humanism and social commitment.
  • To inspire the faculty members in pursuing academic research and extension activities which in turn enable the learners to resolve the intricacies inherent in the global scenario.