National Cadet Corps

NCC Officer : Sub Lieutenant. Leenamol .O (Computer Science)




Government college Kariavattom National Cadet Corps  unit acting under (1) kerala Naval Unit NCC by Kerala & Lakshadweep zone.

In 2002, started the Unit in our college with the maximum strength of 50 cadets. The NCC provides opportunities to the youth of the country for their all-round development with a sense of Duty and Discipline, Commitment, Dedication, and Moral Values so that they become able leaders and useful citizens.


To Create a Human Resource of Organized, Trained, and Motivated Youth, To Provide Leadership in all Walks of life, and to be Always Available for the Service of the Nation.


The NCC aims to develop character, comradeship, discipline, a secular outlook, the spirit of adventure, and ideals of selfless service amongst young citizens. Further, it aims to create a pool of organized, trained, and motivated youth with leadership qualities in all walks of life who will serve the Nation regardless of their chosen career.

Recent Achievements


Sl No Name  Cadet No Rank In NCC  Stream Category Current Location Year of Passout Department
1 Nandhu Prasad KL19SDN113259 POC/2019 Navy Agniveer  Visakhapatnam 2022 IC
2 Adarsh S KL23SDN019044 NC2 Army Agniveer Chennai 2023 IC
3 Ashik Murali KL/20/SD/113160 POC BSF BSF  Chandigarh 2023 PCA
4 Subin S S KL SD/15/115164 Cadet Captain Police Constable Trivandrum 2017 IC

Annual Reports

Activity Report 2022-23

Activity Report 2021-22

Activity Report 2020-21
Activity Report 2019-20

Activity Report 2018-19

Activity Report 2017-18