Dept of Geology - Faculty Details

Faculty NameDr. Sabeen H.M. (Head Of Department)
Designation Assistant Professor
Experience Details • 10 years as Assistant Geologist from Dec 2002 to Feb 2012 in the Department of Mining and Geology, Govt. of Kerala. • Serving as Assistant Professor in Geology in the Department of Collegiate Educat
Qualifications MSc, PhD, MBA
Areas of Interest Sedimentology
Field of Research Sedimentology
Guideship Details -
Subjects Handled
Topics in Geology
Academic Responsibilities Undertaken Member : Senate, University of Kerala
Member, Board of Studies in Geology, University of Calicut
Member, Board of Studies in Geology, MG University
Member, Board of Studies in Geology, University of Kerala
Duties Performed Member, Cluster of Colleges, Thiruvananthapuram zone
Coordinator, IQAC, Government College, Kariavattom
Coordinator, ASAP, Government College, Kariavattom
Convenor, Anti-ragging cell, Government College, Kariavattom
Convenor, Building Committee, Government College, Kariavattom
PTA secretary, Government College, Kariavattom
Research Projects Undertaken NA
Research Publications Climatic significance of teri sediments by light and heavy fraction studand es in Chidambaranar and Tirunelveli districts, Tamilnadu. Journal Indian Assoc. Of Sedimentologist, Vol.12, pp.89-96 (1993)
Morphological variations in some islands in the Gulf of Mannar, India. Journal Geological Society of India, Vol.45, pp.703-708 (1995)
Morphodynamic state of beaches between Vaipar and Tiruchendur, Tamilnadu. Journal Geological Society of India, Vol.47, pp.741-746 (1996)
The relationship between grain size characteristics and beach face slope between Kanyakumari and Tiruchendur. Journal Indian Assoc. Of Sedimentologist, Vol.15, pp.51-58 (1996)
Relation between heavy mineral sorting and wave climates along Tiruchendur – Kanyakumari coast, Tamilnadu, India. Journal Indian Assoc. Of Sedimentologist, Vol.16, pp.452-456 (1996)
The provenance of garnet: constraints provided by studies of coastal sediments from southern India. International Journal Sedimentary Geology, Vol.152, pp.279-287 (2002)
Geochemistry of metastable carbonate minerals in coral skeleton and reef sediments, Gulf of Mannar, Tamilnadu. Eco-chronicle, International Journal of Environmental and Social Sciences,V.1, No.2 pp.59-66 (2006)
A study on morphodynamic characteristics and grain size distribution of coastal sediments between Mandapam and Valinokam, Tamilnadu, India. International journal of Recent Scientific Research, Vol.4(3), pp.154-165 (2013) .(ISSN 0976-3031) (Impact Factor 1.136)

Textural characteristic variation of beach sediments from Mandapam to Valinokam, Ramanathapuram District, South East Coast of India. International Journal Elixir Geoscience Vol.65, pp.19787-19793 (2013) (ISSN: 2229-712X) (ICV) is 5.79).

Sediment quality and seasonal variation of trace metal in Tamirabarani estuary, East Coast of Tamilnadu, India. International Research Journal of Environment Sciences, Vol.2(8), pp.17-23 (2013) (ISSN 2319–1414) (Impact Factor 0.3725)
Shoreline changes using remotesensing and gis environment: A case study of Valinokkam to Thoothukudi area, Tamilnadu , India. International journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE). ISSN: 2278-3075, Vol.2(6),(ISSN: 2278-3075). (Impact Factor.1.270)

Long-and short-term variations in shore morphology of Van Island in Gulf of Mannar using remote sensing images and DSAS analysis. Arab. Journal Geosciences (2016) 9:756.DOI 10.1007/s12517-016-2772-4

Nanotechnological Applications in Environmental Geology – An Appraisal. Chapters on Nanoscience-S.V.Sudheer, Better Books(ISBN 978-81-908006-2-4), pp 293-300 (2016)

Books Published NA
Paper Presentations NA
Seminars / Workshops Organized NA
Seminars Attended 1. IX Convention, Indian Association of Sedimentologist; 28th -29th Dec, 1992, University of Poona, Pune.
2. X Convention, Indian Association of Sedimentologist; 5th -7th Nov, 1993, Dept. Of Geology, Karnataka University, Dharwar.
3. XI Convention, Indian Association of Sedimentologist; 21st – 23rd Oct, 1994, Dept. Of Earth Sciences, University of Roorkee, Roorkee.
4. The Changing Contours of Higher Education, 7th March, 2014, National Seminar, Chitra Community Hall, Pattambi, Kerala, Association of Kerala Government College Teachers.
5. New Paradigms in Geographic Research, 20th and 21st March 2014, National Seminar at Government College, Kariavattom, Department of Collegiate Education, Government of Kerala.
6. Women Empowerment in the Prose and Fiction of Hindi Women Writers, 20th and 21st November 2014, National Seminar at Government College, Kariavattom, Department of Collegiate Education, Government of Kerala.
7. Natural Products in Therapy, 2nd to 4th March 2015, National Seminar at Government College, Kariavattom, Department of Collegiate Education, Government of Kerala.
8. ICT – Innovations and Applications, 6th to 8th January 2016, National Seminar at Government College, Kariavattom, Department of Collegiate Education, Government of Kerala.
9. Groundwater Resources of Kerala: Trends, New Perspectives and Management Strategies, 4th, 5th, February, 2016, National Seminar by International and Inter University Centre for Natural Resources Management, University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram.
10. Current Trends in Life Sciences, 10th 11th February 2016, National Seminar at Government College, Kariavattom, Department of Collegiate Education, Government of Kerala.
11. The Impact of Service Trade Agreement on Higher Education, 12th February 2016, National Seminar, CSI Retreat Centre, Kottayam, Kerala, Association of Kerala Government College Teachers.
12. Theoretical Perspectives of Physics, 21st and 22nd November 2016, National Seminar at Government College, Kariavattom, Department of Collegiate Education, Government of Kerala.
13. Research Prospects in Modern Biotechnology. 14th December, 2016, National Seminar at Government College, Kariavattom, Department of Collegiate Education, Government of Kerala.
14. The Contribution of Kerala to Tamil Literature, 26th October 2017, National Seminar at Government College, Kariavattom, Department of Collegiate Education, Government of Kerala.
15. Applied Statistics and Data Analysis, 9th and 10th November 2017, National Seminar at Government College, Kariavattom, Department of Collegiate Education, Government of Kerala.
16. Queer Theory : Its Influence in Hindi-Malayalam Literature and Film, 14th and 15th November 2017, National Workshop at Government College, Kariavattom, Department of Collegiate Education, Government of Kerala.
17. Natural Hazard Management and Environmental Planning for Sustainable Development, 21st and 22nd November 2017, National Seminar at Government College, Kariavattom, Department of Collegiate Education, Government of Kerala.
18. Health and Wellness – The Key to your Happy Life, 28th November 2017, National Seminar at Government College, Kariavattom, Department of Collegiate Education, Government of Kerala.
19. Higher Education: Crisis and Interventions, 30th November, 2017, National Seminar Government Arts College, Thiruvananthapuram, , Association of Kerala Government College Teachers.
20. Politics of Higher Education, 23rd March 2018, National Seminar Government College for Women, Thiruvananthapuram, , Association of Kerala Government College Teachers.
21. Role of Digital Technologies in Governance, 16th October 2018, Prelude Conferance, IQAC, Government College, Kariavattom, Thiruvananthapuram.
22. Biomedical Research: Changing Paradigms across Time. 30th Jan-1st Feb 2019., National Seminar at Government College, Kariavattom, Department of Collegiate Education, Government of Kerala.
23. OMICS Approaches in Biotechnology : 13-15th Feb 2019. National Seminar at Government College, Kariavattom, Department of Collegiate Education, Government of Kerala.
24. Terrain Analysis and Developmental Planning ; a Kerala Perspective, National Seminar at Government College, Kariavattom, Department of Collegiate Education, Government of Kerala
Workshops Attended • Training programme on “Comprehensive Landslide Risk Management”, National Institute of Disaster Management, Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. Of India, Thiruvananthapuram, 22nd to 25th Sept. 2009.
• Training course on “Qualification of Radiation Protection Officers”, Technology Experts, King Abdul-Aziz City for Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia. 9 to 14 July, 2011.
• Faculty Development Programme in Quality Assurance, 25th and 26th February 2016, Workshop at Technopark Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, ICT Academy of Kerala & FLAIR
• IGNITE, 11th and 12th November 2016, Residential Professional Development Programme at Maria Rani Centre, Thiruvananthapuram, ASAP, Higher Education Department, Government of Kerala.
• Workshop for Principals & IQAC Co-ordinators, 27th and 28th July 2017, Golden Jubilee Building, University of Kerala, Kariavattom, Thiruvananthapuram, RUSA & UGC-HRDC.
• Educate to Innovate – A Paradigm Shift in Higher Education, 27th November 2017, A Training Programme at Government College, Kariavattom, Internal Quality Assurance Cell
• Workshop on Remote Sensing and GIS , 5th January 2019, Department of Geography, Government College, Kariavattom, Thiruvananthapuram.
• Workshop on FOSS Technologies , 18,19 March, 2019, Department of Computer Science, Government College, Kariavattom, Thiruvananthapuram
• Faculty Development Programme on Online Education in higher Education Institutions , 13th to 17th July, 2020, Kerala State Higher Education Council, Thiruvananthapuram.
• Online training programme in Learning Management System(LMS0 and Moodle, 1st to 10th July, 2020, AKGCT Academic Committee, Thiruvananthapuram.
• Online GIS training Program using QGIS, 13.7.2020 to 02.8.2020, Central University of Karnataka
Refresher Courses Attended • Attended the Chitradurga Module of 31st Orientation Course for Geologists, Geological Survey of India Training Institute, Chitradurga, 3rd July to 14th August 2009.
• Orientation Progrmme (It Oriented) conducted by the UGC-Academic Staff College, University of Kerala, Kariavattom, Trivandrum from 01.01.2015 to 28.01.2015.
• Orientation programme for Teachers in Maximizing Awarness (OPTIMA), 15th to 19th September2015, Directorate of Collegiate Education,Thiruvananthapuram.
• Refresher Course in Nanosciences conducted by the UGC-Human Resource Development Centre, University of Kerala, Kariavattom, Trivandrum from 25.11.2015 to 15.12.2015.
• Short-Term Course in Disaster Management conducted by the UGC-Human Resource Development Centre, University of Kerala, Kariavattom, Trivandrum from 23.07.2019 to 29.07.2019..
• Refresher Course in Citation Network Analysis and Exploratory Data Analysis Using R conducted by the UGC-Human Resource Development Centre, University of Kerala, Kariavattom, Trivandrum from 18.02.2020 to 02.03.2020.
• Short-Term Course in Soft Skill Development Programme conducted by the UGC-Human Resource Development Centre, University of Kerala, Kariavattom, Trivandrum from 23.03.2021 to 29.03.2021.

Orientation Programmes Attended NA
Awards / Honours / Patents Conferred NA
Membership (s) in NA
Assigned Office Charges Others,ASSAP
Countries Visited Singapore, Saudi Arabia