Dept of Botany - Faculty Details

Faculty NameDr. NISHA S. A.
Designation Assistant Professor
Experience Details 4 years 7 months of teaching experience.
Qualifications MSc., MPhil., BEd., SET, PhD (Botany)
Areas of Interest Anatomy, Ecology, Evolution and Taxonomy
Field of Research Anatomy
Guideship Details
Subjects Handled Anatomy, Taxonomy, Evolutionary Biology, Ecology
Academic Responsibilities Undertaken 1) Theory and Practical class
2) Planning and Execution of field trip as part of curriculum
Duties Performed 1) Additional examiner for B.Sc. Botany course in Mar Ivanios College, Thiruvananthapuram.
2) Answer key setter for B.Sc. Botany course in Mar Ivanios College, Thiruvananthapuram.
3) Journal Reviewer
4) FYUGP Syllabus Preparation Committee Member (Mar Ivanios College, Botany
Department, Thiruvananthapuram)
5) Class Teacher
5) Adukkalathottam (Vegetable Garden)
6) Medicinal Garden
Research Projects Undertaken
Research Publications 1) “Monitoring pollution using diversity indices, density and biomass of tree species from Kavil Shree Maheswarashramam (Sacred grove) from Nedumangad, Thiruvananthapuram.” Nisha, S.A., Jaishanker, R., Sooraj, N.P. and Saroj Kumar, V. Journal of Advances in Biological Science Volume 3, Issue 1 & 2 ,2016. pp. (18-20)
2) “Soil Nutrient Analysis from the germplasm conservation sites of Ochlandra species at TBGRI, Palode, Thiruvananthapuram.” Nisha, S.A. and Santhoshkumar, R. Trends in Biosciences Volume 11, Issue 7, 2018. pp. (1390-1393)
3) “Soil Analysis for macro and micro nutrients from the bamboo (Ochlandra) growing forest areas in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.” Nisha,S.A., Grima, G. and Santhoshkumar, R. International Journal of Advanced Scientific Research and Management, Volume 3, Issue 10, Oct.2018. pp. (70-74)
4) “Allelopathic Effect of Leaf Extract of Ochlandra travancorica on the Germination of Cicer arietinum.” Nisha, S.A., Athira,S.P. and Santhoshkumar, R. International Journal of Pharmaceutical & Biological Archives, Volume 9, Issue 4, 2018. pp. (216-222)
5) “Allelopathic potentialities of aqueous leaf extracts of Ochlandra wightii (Munro) C.E.C. Fisch. in gamble on germination and biochemical parameters of Cicer arietinum (l.)” Nisha, S.A., Athira,S.P. and Santhoshkumar, R. International Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences, Volume 8, Issue 4, 2018. pp. (1009-1013)
6) “Impact of reed bamboos on the surrounding vegetation in reserve forests of Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala.” Nisha, S.A., Grima, G. and Santhoshkumar, R. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, Volume 5, Issue 3, 2018.pp.(853-858)
7) “Nutritional values of reed bamboo shoots in relation to growth parameter.” Nisha, S.A., Grima, G. and Santhoshkumar, R. Research Chronicler International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, Volume 6, Issue 10, 2018.pp. (34-41).
8) “Analysing biometrical properties of two species of Ochlandra culms for pulp and paper production.” Nisha, S.A., Santhoshkumar, R. and Anoop, E.V. International Journal of Botany Studies, Volume 6, Issue 5, 2021. pp. (1333-1335).
9) “Nutrient Analysis for the Development of Value Added Edible Products from Shoots of reed bamboos, Ochlandra wightii and O. travancorica.” Nisha, S.A., and Santhoshkumar, R. Indian Journal of Tropical Biodiversity, 29(1) 2021. pp. (72-77
Books Published
Paper Presentations 1) Presented paper in the National Seminar on Patents, Plant Breeding, Biotechnology and Conservation, at Malabar Botanical Garden and Institute for Plant Sciences, Kozhikode, 3-5 December, 2015 on “A Study of the Aboveground Biomass and Carbon Sequestration of Sacred Groves of Thiruvananthapuram.”
2) Presented paper in the 12th Kerala Environment Congress organized by Centre for Environment and Development, Thiruvananthapuram, 29-30 November, 2016 on “Sacred Groves: Importance in Urban Eco- Restoration and Biodiversity Conservation.”
3) Presented poster in the 104th Indian Science Congress held at Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupathi from 3-7 January, 2017 on “Ecological and Conservation Studies on Five Sacred Groves of Thiruvananthapuram district.”
4) Presented poster in the 30th Kerala Science Congress held at Government Brennen College, Thalassery, 28-30 January, 2018 on “Assessment of Macro and Micro Nutrients in Bamboo (Ochlandra) Growing Soil at Kallar, Kerala.”
5) Presented paper in the National Seminar on Interdisciplinary Approaches in Materials and Biological Research, at Mahatma Gandhi College, Thiruvananthapuram, 16-17 February, 2018 on “Variation in Physical Properties in Ochlandra wightii in Relation to Different Age Groups.”
6) Presented poster in the National Symposium on Current Trends in Plant Sciences held at Madras Christian College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, 22-23 February,2018 on “The Endemic Reed Bamboos (Ochlandra) of Western Ghats: Ecological Functions and Conservation”
7) Presented paper in the National Seminar on Insights into the Interdisciplinary Perspectives of Chemical and Biosciences, at Government Arts College, Thiruvananthapuram, 26-28 February, 2018 on “Soil Nutrient Analysis from the Germplasm Conservation Sites of Ochlandra species at TBGRI, Palode, Thiruvananthapuram.”
8) Presented paper in the National Seminar on Biodiversity – A Resource For Future Sustenance, held at Scott Christian College, Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu, 27-28 September, 2018 on “Ecophysiological Studies on the Reed Bamboos - Ochlandra wightii (Munro) C.E.C. Fisch and Ochladra travancorica (Bedd.)Benth.ex Gamble.”
9) Presented poster in the 106th Indian Science Congress held at Lovely Professional University, Phagwara, Punjab from 3-7 January, 2019 on “Nutritional and Antinutritional Facts in Young Shoots of Reed Bamboos; Ochlandra wightii (Munro) C.E.C. Fisch and Ochladra travancorica (Bedd.)Benth.ex Gamble .”
10) Presented poster in the 31st Kerala Science Congress held at Fatima Mata National College, Kollam, 2-3 February, 2019 on “Analysis of Eco-physiological and Allelopathic Effects of two Species of Reed Bamboos in the Reserve Forests in Thiruvananthapuram district, Kerala.”
11) Presented paper in the National Seminar on Interdisciplinary Approaches in Materials and Biological Research, at Mahatma Gandhi College, Thiruvananthapuram, 15-16 March, 2019 on “An Investigation into the Inhibitory Effect of the Endemic Bamboos Ochlandra wightii (Munro)C.E.C. Fisch and Ochlandra travancorica (Bedd.) Benth. ex Gamble.”
12) Presented paper in the National Conference on Environmental Pollution and Control Technologies-2019, held at Annamalai University, Chidambaram, TamilNadu, 30-31 August, 2019 on “Bamboo Resources in Sustainable Livelihood.”
13) Presented poster in the International Seminar on Life Sciences for sustainable Development: Issues and Challenges, at University College, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, 3-5 October, 2019 on “Analysis to assess the inhibitory effect of leaf extracts of Ochlandra wightii (Munro) C.E.C.Fisch. on the growth, germination and variations in chemical constituents of Cicer arietinum (L.)
14) Presented poster in the 107th Indian Science Congress held at University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, Karnataka, from 3-7 January, 2020 on “Anatomical Characteristics of the culms of two species of reed bamboos; Ochlandra wightii (Munro) C.E.C. Fisch and Ochladra travancorica (Bedd.)Benth.ex Gamble .”
15) Presented paper in the National Seminar on Propagation, Management and Development of value chain in Bamboos, organized by Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur on 10th February 2021 on “Nutrient Analysis for the Development of Value Added Edible Products from Shoots of reed bamboos, Ochlandra wightii and O. travancorica.”
16) Presented paper in the International Seminar on Plants Science Research organized by Mahatma Gandhi College on 3rd March 2022 on “Chemical changes with maturation of the bamboo culms in Ochlandra species
Seminars / Workshops Organized
Seminars Attended • Seminar on “Go Wild For Life - Zero Tolerance for the Illegal Wildlife Trade” jointly organized by Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment and Environmental Information Centre at Kerala State Science and Technology Museum and Priyadarshini Planetarium, Thiruvananthapuram on 6th June 2016.
• Seminar on “Wetland Day” organized by Department of Botany, Mahatma Gandhi College, Thiruvananthapuram on 7th February 2018.
• Unconvention speaker series on “Agritech Matters: Feed Billions by Harvesting Technology” organized by Villgro Innovations Foundation in collaboration with ICAR – CTCRI, Thiruvananthapuram on 30th April 2018.
• Seminar on “Sustainable Utilization of Plant Resources as Alternative to Plastic” organized by Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram on 5th June 2018
Workshops Attended • National Workshop on Scouting, Documentation and Dissemination of Grassroots Innovations and Traditional Knowledge by National Innovation foundation-India at Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala on 7th May 2018.
• Workshop on Art of Thesis Writing by Rehoboth Academic Services at Thiruvananthapuram on 19th January 2019.
• “Two weeks workshop on Research Methodology” organized by School of Life Sciences, University of Kerala from 1st to 13th November, 2020.
• Workshop on Outcome Based Education organized by Mar Ivanios College, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala on 27 th March 2024.
• Faculty Training Programme on Implementation of Four Year UG Programmes (FYUGP) organized by Mar Ivanios College, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala on 27th February 2024
Refresher Courses Attended
Orientation Programmes Attended
Awards / Honours / Patents Conferred • Secured II rank in MPhil. Ecological Informatics (2015) from Cochin University of Science and Technology, Kerala.
• ASPIRE FELLOWSHIP (2018- 2019) Instituted by the Department of Collegiate Education, Government of Kerala.
• ISCA Best Poster Award (2019) during 106th Indian Science Congress held at Phagwara, Jalandhar, Punjab.
Membership (s) in Indian Science Congress Association
Assigned Office Charges Others
Countries Visited