Dept of Statistics - Faculty Details

Designation Assistant Professor
Experience Details
Qualifications M.Sc, Mphil
Areas of Interest Distribution Theory
Field of Research Distribution Theory
Guideship Details
Subjects Handled Distribution Theory
Statistical Methods
Estimation Theory
Academic Responsibilities Undertaken
Duties Performed
Research Projects Undertaken Nil
Research Publications 3
Books Published
Paper Presentations 15
Seminars / Workshops Organized Nil
Seminars Attended 10
Workshops Attended 5
Refresher Courses Attended
Orientation Programmes Attended
Awards / Honours / Patents Conferred 1. Prof. R N Pillai Young Statistician Award for best research Paper by Kerala Statistical
Association (KSA).
2. Prof. B. K. Kale Best Research Paper
Presentation Award-2021 conducted by Indian Society for Probability and Statistics (ISPS), 41th annual conference at Osmania University Hyderabad in March 2022. (International Award).
3. Prof. Jacob Sundara Raja Best Paper
Presentation Award conducted by International Conference on Statistics for Twenty-first Century (ICSTC) 2021 Department of Statistics, University
of Kerala (International Award).
4. Best Achievement Award of University of
Kerala for the awards of B.K. Kale Award by
Indian Society for Probability and Statistics and Jacob Sundar Raja Award by ICSTC during the academic year 2021-22.
5. Prof. (Miss.) Aleyamma George Best Paper Award of AADSUK for the year 2022 best paper among the papers published.
6. A Award of Junior Research Fellowship by Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR).
7. Award of Senior Research Fellowship by
Council of Scientific & Industrial Research
Membership (s) in Life Member, Indian Society for Probability and Statistics (ISPS)
Life Member, Kerala Statistical Association KSA
Assigned Office Charges Others
Countries Visited