Dept of Biochemistry - Faculty Details

Faculty NameDr. Sini H. (Head Of Department)
Designation Associate Professor
Experience Details UG teaching experience 16 years from 16.06.2006 till date
Qualifications MSc in Biochemistry; University of Kerala MPhil in Biochemistry; University of Kerala Ph.D in Biochemistry; University of Kerala CSIR-UGC JRF NET, ICAR NET
Areas of Interest Toxicology, Phytochemistry, Plant based anticancer agents
Field of Research Toxicology, Phytochemistry, Plant based anticancer agents
Guideship Details
Subjects Handled Biochemistry- All courses in UG Biochemistry Course
Academic Responsibilities Undertaken Member Board of Studies in Biochemistry, University of Kerala from 20/11/2015 to 19/11/2018
Duties Performed HOD, BSc final year tutor, College Council member, Discipline Committee member, NAAC Committee member, Admission Committee member, Purchase Committee member, CLMC member, WWS Coordinator, Assessment committee member for Technical Staff, CSIR-NIIST, TVPM
Research Projects Undertaken 1. Co-investigator of Major Project entitled “Molecular mechanism of hepatoprotective activity of Aerva lanata” sanctioned by Kerala State Council for Science Technology and Environment, Kerala; 10 lakhs; 3 years: 2014 to 2017 (006/ SRSLS/ 2013/ CSTE, dated 12.02.2014).
2. Principal investigator of UGC Minor Research Project entitled “Screening of Ethnomedicinal Plants for Topoisomerase II inhibitory activity”; One lakh thirty thousand; 2 years; 2016-2018 (2359-MRP/15-16/KLKE051/UGC-SWRO dated31.03.2016
Research Publications 1. H. Sini & K.S. Devi (2004) Antioxidant Activities of the Chloroform Extract of Solanum trilobatum. 42: 462-466. (Impact Factor-3.503)
2. H.Sini, P.V.Mohanan, K.S.Devi (2005) Studies on the insecticidal activity, cytogenecity and metabolism of fatty acid rich fraction of Hydnocarpus laurifolia. Toxicological & Environmental Chemistry.87: 91-98. (Impact Factor-1.39)
3. CS Anusha, BP Kumar, H Sini, KG Nevin (2016) Antioxidant Aerva lanata Extract Supresses Proliferation and Induce Mitochondria Mediated Apoptosis in Human Hepatocelluar carcinoma cell line. Journal of Experimental and Integrative Medicine.6: 71-81. (Impact factor <1)
4. H. Sini, K.G. Nevin, K.S. Devi (2015)Toxicity Studies on Chloroform Extract of Solanum trilobatum: Effect on Drug Metabolizing and Antioxidant Enzymes in Rats.
International Journal of Cancer Research.11: 109-118.
5. H Sini, KS Devi, KG Nevin (2015) Chloroform Extract of Solanum trilobatum Inhibits the Progress of Ehrlich Ascites Carcinoma in Mice. International Journal of Cancer Research 12: 17-28.
6. H Sini, KS Devi, KG Nevin (2017) Solanum trilobatum beneficially modulates dimethyl benz (a) anthracene induced skin carcinogenesis and erhlich Ascites cell induced solid tumor in mice. Oriental Pharmacy and Experimental Medicine. 17; 71-80. (Impact Factor- <1)
7. Chithambaram Sujatha Anusha, Sini Hariharan, Bhaskara Prakashkumar, Kottayath Govindan Nevin (2019) Mechanism of protection of rat hepatocytes from acetaminophen-induced cellular damage by ethanol extract of Aerva lanata. Interdisciplinary Toxicology12: 169-179. (Impact Factor-1.02)
8. Sini H., Devi K.S., Anusha C.S., Nevin K.G. (2021) Edible Solanum trilobatum chloroform extract modulated CCL4 induced toxic changes in rat liver by enhancing the antioxidant activity. Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism 14: 115-126. (Impact factor-0.841)
Books Published Book Chapter: “Recent Advances in Solanum trilobatum Research” in the book entitled “Recent Trends in Medicinal Plant Sciences (Volume - 8)” Page no. 97-109. ISBN 978-93-90322-11-4. AkiNik Publications, New Delhi.
Paper Presentations 1. Presented a paper in the “XII Annual Conference of the Society of Toxicology (STOX), India & National Symposium on Environmental Pollution” organized by Department of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology, Madras Veterinary College from 20th-22nd November, 2003.
2. Presented a paper in the “International Seminar on Recent Biochemical Approaches in Therapeutics” organized by Department of Biochemistry, University of Kerala from 09.01.2013 to 11.01.2013.
3. Co-author of a full paper presented in the National conference on “Role of Biopharmaceuticals in achieving Health by 2020” conducted by NGP Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, July 2015.
4. Presented a poster in the “National Seminar on Recent Biochemical Approaches in Therapeutics” (RBAT III) organized by Department of Biochemistry, University of Kerala from 15.02.2017 to 17.02.2017.
Seminars / Workshops Organized 1. Organized National Seminar on “Natural Products in therapy” from March 2-4 2015, sponsored by Department of Collegiate Education, Government of Kerala.
2. Organized National Webinar on “General Awareness on Intellectual Property Rights” on 21st September 2021.
3. Coordinated IP/Awareness/Training Programme under National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission on 13th January 2022.
Seminars Attended 1. Participated in the “International Seminar on Recent Biochemical Approaches in Therapeutics”(RBAT VII-2021)” held from 9th-11th February 2021 organized by the Department of Biochemistry, University of Kerala.
2. Participated in the “National seminar on ICT-Innovations and Applications” held from 6th-8th January 2016 organized by the Department of Computer Science, Government College Kariavattom.
3. Participated in the “National seminar on Advances in Physics” held from 21st-22nd November, 2019 organized by the Department of Physics, Government College Kariavattom.
4. Participated in the “National seminar on Machine Learning-Revolutionizing Everyday Lives” held from 28th-29th November 2019 organized by the Department of Computer Science, Government College Kariavattom.
5. Participated in the “National seminar on Terrain Analysis and Developmental Planning: A Kerala Perspective” held on 4th December 2019 organized by the Department of Geography, Government College Kariavattom.
6. Participated in the “National seminar on Omics Approaches in Biotechnology” held from 13th -15th February 2019 organized by the Department of Biotechnology, Government College Kariavattom.
Workshops Attended 1. Workshop on Restructuring of UG curriculum-Home Science from 5th to 6th March, 2009 sponsored by University of Kerala and the Kerala State Higher Education Council.
2. Workshop on Choice Based Credit and Semester system for UG program in Biochemistry from 1st to 4th July, 2009 sponsored by University of Kerala.
3. Workshop on the recommendations of Prof. B. Hridayakumari Committee Report on 25.03.2014 sponsored by the Kerala State Higher Education Council.
4. One day workshop for New coordinators of WWS on 28.10.2014 sponsored by the Department of Collegiate Education, Government of Kerala.
5. Workshop on outcome-based syllabus revision of undergraduate courses in Biochemistry from 27th June -3rd July, 2018 organized by the University of Kerala.
Refresher Courses Attended 1. UGC sponsored Refresher Course in Life Sciences from 19.07.2013 to 08.08.2013 conducted by UGC-HRDC Academic Staff College, University of Kerala.
2. RUSA sponsored Short-Term Course in “Student Counselling and Mentoring” from 30.10.2017 to 04.11.2017 conducted by UGC-HRDC Academic Staff College, University of Kerala.
3. UGC sponsored Refresher Course in Environmental Sciences (Interdisciplinary) from 09.01.2018 to 29.01.2018 conducted by UGC-HRDC Academic Staff College, University of Kerala.
4. Online Two-week Refresher Course on “Managing Online Classes & Co-creating MOOCS 11.0” from February 7th-21st, 2022 organized by the Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi under the aegis of the Ministry of Education PMMMNMTT.
5. Online Two week FDP on “Research Methodology” from October 1st to 15th, 2020 organized by the Teaching Learning Centre, Ramanujan College, University of Delhi under the aegis of the Ministry of Human Resource Development, PMMMNMTT.

Orientation Programmes Attended 1. UGC sponsored Orientation Programme (IT oriented) from 07.12.2006 to 03.01.2007 conducted by UGC-HRDC Academic Staff College, University of Kerala.
2. One day Orientation Programme to the staff of the colleges on the Regulations of Choice Base Credit and Semester System on 09.12.2009 sponsored by University of Kerala.
3. Five-day training Program on Informatics Skills conducted jointly by the IHRD and The Kerala State Higher Education Council from 14.12.2009 to 18.12.2009 sponsored by IHRD and the Kerala State Higher Education Council
Awards / Honours / Patents Conferred
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Assigned Office Charges Others
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