Dept of Botany - Faculty Details

Faculty NameProf. Dr. Sandhia G S
Designation Principal
Experience Details 21 yrs of teaching, 26 years of research
Qualifications MSc MPhil CSIR NET, PhD
Areas of Interest Genetics, Biotechnology
Field of Research Microbial Biotechnology
Guideship Details Research Guide in Botany, University of Kerala
Subjects Handled Genetics, Biotechnology, Phycology
Academic Responsibilities Undertaken UG and PG Chairman of Botany, University of Kerala
Member Board of studies in Microbiology, University of Kerala 2015-18
Member Board of studies Assumption College Changanassery
Duties Performed
Research Projects Undertaken Two
Research Publications Important Publications
1. Isolation, Identification, and Characterization of Endophytic Bacteria from Medicinally Valuable Mirabilis jalapa L. Natl. Acad. Sci. Lett. Springer Publications IF 1.1

2. Purification and characterization of a psychrophilic lipase from Serratia marcescens VT 1 and its application in methyl ester synthesis Bioresource Technology Reports Year 2023 Vol 22 101443 Scopus Indexed Elsevier IF 5. 07

3. Extremophilic lipases for industrial applications: A general review. Biotechnology Advances. Year 2022 Vol_60, 7:108002. Scopus Indexed Elsevier UGC listed I F 16. 74

4. Plant Growth Promoting Potentials of SVH1 Bacillus Sp. From Hemidesmus indicus. Bioscience Biotech. Res. Comm. Vol 14(3)1-7 2021 UGC List Number 42929 (Scopus
Listed 2022) P-ISSN: 0974-6455 E- ISSN: 2321-4007 I F 0.06

5. Isolation and Characterisation of Endophytic Bacteria_from Holostemma adakodien Schult. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology 14(3):1949- 1960. Year 2020 Scopus Indexed UGC listed ISSN: 0973- 7510
I F 0.207

6. Screening, Production and Characterization of Industrially Important Enzymes by Serratia marcescens Strain VT1. I F Biosc. Biotech. Res. Comm. Vol 13 No (4) 2302-2310 Year 2020 DOI:10.21786/13.4/102 UGC List Number 42929 (Scopus Listed 2022) IF 0.06

7. Medium enhancement for the optimized production of ?-glucosidase by Glutamicibacter nicotianae SSA-7. Research Journal of Biotechnology 15(11) 92-98 Year 2020 ISSN 0973-6763 IF 0.346

8. Phytochemicals as Quorum quenchers against bacterial communication. Recent patents on Biotechnology. 10(2); 153-166 Year 2016 doi: 10.2174/1872208310666160908150943. ISSN: 1872 - 2083
EISSN: 2212- 4012 IF 1.23

9. Pattern of genetic relationship revealed by AFLP markers in Indian sorghum Sorghum bicolor (L.)
Moench. The Indian Journal of genetics and Plant Breeding 68(2): 2008 139-144 Peer reviewed ISSN: 0975-
6906 IF 0.508
10. Analysis of Indian sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench cultivars and lines using RAPD markers J. Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology 15(2): 2006 97-101: DOI 10.1007/BF03321911 ISSN: 0971-
7811 int) 0974-1275 (Online) IF 1.175

11. Control of xylanase production without protease activity in Bacillus sp. by selection of nitrogen source Biotechnology Letters. Vol 23;. 369-371 Year 2001 DOI
5492 Eissn:1573- 6776 I F 2.7
Books Published Book chapters 3
Paper Presentations More than 30
Seminars / Workshops Organized Two Seminars
Seminars Attended More than 30
Workshops Attended 10
Refresher Courses Attended Three
Orientation Programmes Attended
Awards / Honours / Patents Conferred
Membership (s) in Indian Botanical Society
Assigned Office Charges Others
Countries Visited