Dept of Computer Science - Faculty Details

Faculty NameSreeja S
Designation Assistant Professor
Experience Details Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Government College Kariavattom. (05.02.2015 to till date)
Qualifications MCA, MPhil,UGC-NET, GATE
Areas of Interest Medical Image Processing, Machine Learning
Field of Research Medical Image Processing, Machine Learning
Guideship Details
Subjects Handled Computer Science
Academic Responsibilities Undertaken 1. Member, Board of Studies (UG) Kannur University(2017-2019)
2. Chairman for Kerala University Paper valuation
3. Chief for Kerala University Paper valuation
4. Question paper Setting for Kannur University Examinations
5. Internal Exam Question paper Setting
6. Question paper Setting for Lab Examination
Duties Performed 1. Edusat member
2. Women Study Centre member
3. Human Rights Forum member
4. Red Ribbon Club member
5. ORICE Committee member
6 . Placement Cell
7. Alumni
Research Projects Undertaken UG Project guidance of BSc Computer Science and BSc Physics with Computer Application Students
Research Publications 1. Sreeja. S and D. Muhammad Noorul Mubarak, Pseudo Computed Tomography Image Generation from Brain Magnetic Resonance Image for Radiation Therapy Treatment Planning Using DCNN-UNET Webology, Scopus Indexed, Cite Score 1.1
2. Pseudo Computed Tomography Image Generation From Brain Magnetic Resonance Image Using Integration Of PCA & DCNN-UNET: A Comparative Analysis,Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems – SCI Impact Factor: 1.737
ISSN print:1064-1246,ISSN online:1875-8967
3. S. Sreeja, D. Muhammad Noorul Mubarak. “Synthetic Computed Tomography and Brain Radiation Therapy: Where are we today?” NEUROQUANTOLOGY , 2022 | Vol 20 DOI: 10.14704/NQ.2022.20.15.NQ88211
4. S. Sreeja, D. Muhammad Noorul Mubarak. “ Pseudo Computed Tomography estimation from brain MRI using anatomic signature and joint dictionary learning”. Procedia Computer Science Vol. 218, 2023,

Sreeja. S, D. Muhammad Noorul Mubarak “Pseudo-CT Generation from MRI Images for Bone Lesion Detection using Deep Learning Approach”
Books Published
Paper Presentations 1. S. Sreeja, D. Muhammad Noorul Mubarak, “Synthetic Computed Tomography Image Generation from Magnetic Resonance Image: A review”, in International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering, Management and Technology (ICETEMT – 2022), 21– 22 June 2022.
2. S. Sreeja, D. Muhammad Noorul Mubarak "Pseudo-CT Generation from MRI Images for Bone Lesion Detection Using Deep Learning Approach" in 2nd International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Social Networking (ICPCSN 2022), 3-4, March 2022.
3. Sreeja. S, D. Muhammad Noorul Mubarak, Raghukumar P, Generating Pseudo-Computed Tomography Images for Radiation therapy Treatment Planning of Brain tumor: A Review in International Conference on Soft Computing and Optimising
Techniques(ICSO’ 19), 09 th – 10 th August 2019, ISBN-13 978-93-89051-59-9 Page no: 39 –40
4. Sreeja.S, D. Muhammad Noorul Mubarak, Methodologies for generating Pseudo-Computed Tomography Images for evaluating Craniovertibral Junction Lesions in International Conference On Advanced Innovation In Science, Engineering and Technology (ICAISET-2019), 8th - 9th November 2019, Page no: 9788192131603.
5. Sreeja. S, D. Muhammad Noorul Mubarak “Pseudo-CT Generation from MRI Images for Bone Lesion Detection using Deep Learning Approach” at the 2nd International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Social Networking(ICPCSN 2022) organized by Narasu’s Sarathy Institute of Technology, Salem, India on 3-4, March 2022.
Seminars / Workshops Organized 1.IntroductiontoNatural language Processing, 1 day
23/02/2023, FOSS Cell
2. Ethical Implications of Hacking, 1 day
23/03/2023, FOSS Cell, Department of Computer Science, Government College Kariavattom in collaboration with ICFOSS

Seminars Attended 25
Workshops Attended 10
Refresher Courses Attended Two Week Refresher Course in “COMPUTER SCIENCE, 02 - 16 May, 2022, Teaching Learning Centre in collaboration withDepartment of Computer Science,Ramanujan College, University of Delhi
Orientation Programmes Attended 1
Awards / Honours / Patents Conferred
Membership (s) in
Assigned Office Charges Others
Countries Visited SRILANKA